“The one differentiator that I’ve felt from Archera versus other products is transparency in the pricing aspect: There’s one fee that Archera takes off the top [for Insured Commitment premiums], and that’s pretty much it. That is not what I’ve experienced from demos that I’ve seen from others.”
Hex empowers their customers to understand and leverage complex data effectively with Gen AI-driven collaboration running on a large, fast-scaling AWS architecture spanning EC2, RDS, ElastiCache, and OpenSearch.
Delivering cost-effective innovation and optimal customer experience requires Hex’s collaborating Infrastructure and Finance teams to:
“Our infrastructure is constantly growing — there’s new nodes that are coming up pretty often in order to support our customers. We have Archera there in order to help make those more cost-effective decisions, and it makes it a little bit easier for us to not think as heavily about planning specific projects in order to make things more efficient — things like that — so, we’re kind of always prioritizing those cost initiatives, and Archera is along the way for that ride.”
— Kim Leung, Engineering Lead, Infrastructure, Hex
Hex requires a cloud rate management platform that offers both immediate AWS savings and long-term financial planning and commitment purchasing. Archera’s free platform offers:
“Full transparency: there have been other vendors that have reached out to me before, and there have been others that have given demos and things like that, and ultimately, at the end of the day, I never moved off of Archera because I think there are a lot of things about Archera that gives us the wins that we need and the savings that we are looking for with very little effort on our part. We implement Archera and then, from there, [Archera] is running in the background in order to get us those savings — those things are very, very valuable.”
— Kim Leung, Engineering Lead, Infrastructure, Hex
Archera enables Hex to significantly reduce AWS costs with native and flexible commitment options and streamlines the time required to manage and maximize cloud commitments. Key results include:
“Time is one of the most valuable things that we gain from Archera. The Archera product is a bit of an anomaly in my day-to-day work. I may only log into the Archera product once a month because I can trust that Archera is doing what it needs to do under the hood, and I only need to check on it to make sure that it is still working the way I expect. Archera is saving our team time in managing, and trying to calculate, and trying to forecast, ‘what are all the exact dates we will need certain databases or certain compute for?’ So, that’s the other aspect of [Archera] that I haven’t yet found from anything else in the market.”
— Kim Leung, Engineering Lead, Infrastructure, Hex
Hex’s ongoing collaboration with Archera underscores the importance of trust, transparency, and automation in modern cloud cost management — empowering Hex to focus on AWS agility and scale while controlling and governing cloud expenses and commitments without significant ongoing time investment.
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