Manage commitment complexity with Archera’s free platform
AWS and Azure savings plans (SPs) and reserved instances (RIs) offer up to 70%+ discounts on your usage in exchange for committing to an amount of spend on a specific segment of services for a period of one or three years. Archera alleviates the complexity of considering the tradeoffs between more flexibility, less risk, and more savings for each discountable service, commitment option, and your organization’s unique usage plan for a particular instance — empowering you to make the right decision, take action, and deliver savings.
Control commitments across all reservable AWS and Azure services
Archera’s free platform considers your historical usage, 36-month forecast, and infrastructure growth plans to generate a range of commitment strategies for all reservable services using a blend of all commitment types. You can choose to further customize each plan down to the instance level, or even use it as a basis to build your own. Once you action a plan, Archera operates at the billing layer within your own account to make the commitments you have selected.
Increase your discount coverage with short-term Insured Commitments
Insured Commitments enable you to save on usage you couldn’t otherwise discount and are an optional purchase from within Archera’s free platform. Insured Commitments — Guaranteed Savings Plans (GSPs) and Guaranteed Reserved Instances (GSPs) — are Archera’s unique instruments, available in your own payer account, that put you in control of the length of a commitment’s term, shortening it to as few as 30 days while delivering savings similar to that of native SPs and RIs.
Commitment automation, when you want it
Unlike all-in automated approaches to commitment management that cede all control to opaque algorithms and AI, with Archera, you and your team are always in full control. Our free platform does the work of identifying the best options, but you choose how to customize them and whether and when to commit. And, when you’re ready, configure and leverage automation policies to schedule CRI exchanges and SP and RI renewals so you never miss out on savings.