Manage your Azure costs

Archera uniquely reduces the cost and complexity of Microsoft Azure procurement and cost management by delivering new, flexible Azure commitment and purchasing strategies through a 100%-free platform. Archera increases your control so you can scale and innovate on Azure while minimizing costs and commitment risk.

Manage your Azure costs

Utilize commitments effectively, unlock new Azure savings, and maximize your long-term purchasing strategy

Azure savings plans (SPs) and Reserved VM Instances (RIs) commitments enable you to achieve significant discounts over pay-as-you-go list pricing by committing to spend over a one- or three-year period. Archera helps you maximize your use of these native commitments with our free platform, and extend their utility and flexibility by enabling you to transform them into short-term, Insured Commitments with a commitment term as brief as 30 days. After delivering immediate savings, we work with you to build a forward-looking Azure purchasing strategy so you can continue to optimize your costs as your usage evolves and grows.

Utilize commitments effectively, unlock new Azure savings, and maximize your long-term purchasing strategy

Minimize Azure pay-as-you-go spend with short-term Insured Commitments

Archera attaches a Moneyback Guarantee to Azure savings plans and RIs, converting them into short-term, Insured Commitments — Guaranteed Savings Plans (GSPs) and Guaranteed Reserved Instances (GRIs) — which enable you to get native commitment-like savings on usage that won’t reliably continue for a year or more. Use GSPs and GRIs to unlock savings on spend that would otherwise be pay-as-you-go, and pay Archera a small insurance premium only when you save. If you are no longer able to utilize the underlying Azure commitment, Archera will rebate you for losses.

Minimize Azure pay-as-you-go spend with short-term Insured Commitments

Manage all your commitments across all reservable Azure services

Manage all your commitments across all reservable Azure services

Build your long-term Azure purchasing strategy with forecasting and scenario modeling

Use Archera’s free platform to model scenarios for infrastructure evolution and growth atop your 36-month Azure and multicloud forecasts. Build purchasing strategies and leverage usage costs to retire private pricing and volume discount minimums.

Build your long-term Azure purchasing strategy with forecasting and scenario modeling

Accelerate cloud innovation

Gain flexibility and control over your cloud costs and commitments with Archera’s free purchasing and management platform and unique financial services.


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