Optimize your AWS costs
Archera uniquely reduces the cost and complexity of AWS procurement and management by delivering new, flexible AWS cost optimization and commitment strategies through a 100%-free platform. Archera increases your control so you can scale and innovate on AWS while minimizing costs and commitment risk.

Utilize commitments effectively, unlock new AWS savings, and maximize your long-term purchasing strategy
AWS Savings Plans (SPs) and Reserved Instances (RIs) commitments enable you to achieve significant discounts over On-Demand list pricing by committing to spend over a one- or three-year period. Archera helps you maximize your use of these native commitments with our free platform, and extend their utility and flexibility by enabling you to transform them into short-term, Insured Commitments with a commitment term as brief as 30 days. After delivering immediate savings, we work with you to build a forward-looking purchasing strategy so you can continue to optimize your AWS costs as your usage evolves and grows.

Minimize AWS On-Demand spend with short-term Insured Commitments
Archera attaches a Moneyback Guarantee to AWS Savings Plans and RIs, converting them into short-term, Insured Commitments — Guaranteed Savings Plans (GSPs) and Guaranteed Reserved Instances (GRIs) — which enable you to get native commitment-like savings on usage that won’t reliably continue for a year or more. Use GSPs and GRIs within your own payer account to unlock savings on spend that would otherwise be On-Demand, and pay Archera a small insurance premium only when you save. If you are no longer able to utilize the underlying AWS commitment, Archera will rebate you for losses.

Manage all your commitments across all reservable AWS services
In addition to enabling you to easily segment, attribute, and analyze your AWS spend, Archera’s free platform helps you manage costs across all of AWS’ reservable services. Customize your commitment plan to meet the needs of your organization, including or excluding infrastructure from your custom segments down to the instance level. Set automation policies to trigger renewals and purchases so no usage goes uncovered.

Get savings quickly with Archera’s AWS-aligned model
Our alignment with AWS helps you get results more efficiently. Archera’s unique cloud insurance and financing solutions comply with all service provider rules and guidelines, such as AWS’ 2024 enhancements to its Reserved Instances policies. We work closely with AWS product management and prefer to do business through AWS Marketplace and collaborate closely with your account team as we work with you to build your procurement and commitment strategies.

Build your long-term AWS purchasing strategy with forecasting and scenario modeling
Use Archera’s free platform to model scenarios for infrastructure evolution and growth atop your five-year AWS and multicloud forecasts. Build purchasing strategies and leverage usage costs to retire private pricing and volume discount minimums.

Accelerate AWS PPA negotiations and de-risk your private pricing commitment
An AWS PPA (Private Pricing Addendum/Agreement, also known as the AWS Enterprise Discount Program or EDP) can guarantee you a better rate for AWS services if you can commit to greater spending or a longer contract term length. Archera delivers free scenario modeling and demand planning to help you negotiate a rightsized PPA commitment, offers complimentary shortfall prevention services to help you make changes in your spending patterns avoid chargeback, and can insure and de-risk uncertain portions of your commitment.
Automate your Well-Architected Framework Review, WA Lenses, and FTR
Assessments like AWS Well-Architected Framework Review (WAFR/WAR), AWS Well-Architected Lenses for technologies and industries, and the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) help you measure your alignment with best practices, improve your use of cloud services, and even qualify for certifications and programs that include credits and discounts. Archera’s free platform automates the process of performing these assessments and connects you with services partners so you can attain incentives more quickly.